Hi Guys,
I came across these sensors to put on some motors in my plant and am very confused as to which type of sensor to use. There are wired, wireless options. There are some that can get a better read on the condition of the motor. Some items require a tech to come in to grab the data.
How do i determine what type of sensor I would need?
Hi Tom,
What is required in order to install these sensors and what is the cost associated for this/ Is there a monthly fee? Or a one time fee? What kind of software come along with it? Can it integrate with any of the software like cmms I am currently using?
Hi Tom,
I took a look at the sensor from ProAxion and it seems to be exactly what we are looking for. I like that it is a cloud based system and does not need to be wired or use wifi.
Thanks for your help!
Hi Jordan,
The 3 most common mountings
1 epoxied puck with stud
2 drill and tap
3 magnet base
The mounting is very easy and can be done in most cases under 5 minutes. The sensor is equipped with a 2yr battery and is simple to change. The gateway does require 110v and is most commonly equipped with cellular data plan that is included in the cost.
Tom Ungar
Hi Tom,
Thanks for replying and for the information.
How do they install these things? Will this be very difficult. Do they need to connect to a power supply at the assets?
And will this have to go through my company wifi – because we are not allowed to have any external networks logged into our system?
Regards, Jordan
Hi Jordan,
Yes there are many different types of sensors and depending on the application they all have a fit. A great place to start is with a sensor/system like the following: http://www.proaxion.io/, it requires no experience and is as simple as mount the sensor and plug the gateway into 110v. This system will start communication with cloud based software immediately and will plot and trend vibration levels as well as temperature. You can set alarms and get email and text notifactions as problems develop and this system does not require a costly vibe tech and analyst.
Any questions or if you would like more info please feel free to contact me any time.
Canadian Vibration Technologies Inc.
Tom Ungar 519 808 1848